About Me

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Lincoln, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
My name is Tracy i'm 43 years old a single mum to one boy,i live in Lincolnshire in the UK. As a child i was mainly by myself had few friends and was picked on,i found i was quiet contented drawing ,doodling doing puzzle books or up a tree- i often wondered why i drifted along,but stuck to my guns and wouldnt say i liked a certain pop group to be with the 'in crowd'.....yet i did have many a low moment and silently cry myself to sleep. Many years later- Back in 2001 i had a baby boy who now is 13 and diagnosed with Aspergers and ADHD. Its been a tough ride and has gotten harder and worse,especially as i think the terrible hormones are starting to kick in.Recognising many traits and behavours in myson as i was as a child it will be no supprise as an adult i too diagnosed with ADHD,and actually get off to sleep most nights without my head whirring round like a spin dryer,all thanks to medication. I have decided to write about some of my experiences of day to day life with the domestic abuse that i suffer from;which is dished out daily by my son. I know there are many other mothers and fathers out there who must be recieving the same kind of events.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Hardest decission as of yet......

Last wednesday was 26th November.

The morning started off bad as my boy came into my bedroom demanding i wash his blazer again because i cant even do that properly,his words......

The reason for this outburst at just gone 6am was because there was a couple of white fibres on his school blazer.
I try not to bite back but at that time of morning and getting woken to a torrent of verbal abuse i was a little less than polite.
But nevertheless i dont deserve the abuse that followed,and has done on many occasions also witnessed by his youth worker;of which both he and our careworker has said if they see him hurt me again they will call the police and advised me to do so.

Its easy to say if it was a partner i would have got rid many years ago and had the police out.

Going back to the morning in question, i had gone down stairs recived physical and verbal off him and thought after saying many a times i will call the police i got my phone and dialed 101 - but chickened out,after all im supposed to be the one he can turn to, so i hung up.
shortly after i went into the kitchen,still recieving a continuos amounts of verbal abuse he came in put his hand around my throat [not the first time] as i pulled away he swung round and bit my upper arm.
That then was when i made the hard call.....yes they did arrest him.....yes it was damn hard to do,he got a caution and its on record for 5 years,but i know he will attack again.

I tread on eggshells as hes very controlling and manipulative and ashamed to say i dont always see the manipulation till after the fact,but thats on einsight.